Nathalie Perrin
Nathalie Perrin
Nathalie Perrin (1989, Swiss)
Nathalie Perrin (born in Geneva in 1989), graduated from ECAL and the University of Neuchâtel. She was awarded a residency in Cairo (2014), the Alice Bailly grant (2015) and the Prix de la Ville de Nyon (2016). Her exhibitions include Fortune Carrée at the MCGM gallery in Lausanne (2015), Darladirladada at the Duflon Racz gallery in Bern (2018), La fragilité des créatures à sang chaud at the Heinzer Reszler gallery in Lausanne (2019), solo Show at Art Genève (2020), Traversées I at the CHUV in Lausanne (2021). She participated in the group exhibitions L'art se livre at the Musée des Beaux-Arts in Le Locle (2014), Ungestalt at the Kunsthalle in Basel (2017), Pour Elle at the Manoir in Martigny, 2021, Des Seins à dessein at the Espace Arlaud in Lausanne (2020), Scrivere disegnando at the Centre d'Art Contemporain in Geneva (2020). In 2021, she will publish a first essay with Art&Fiction: "Rimbaud, Rambo, Ramuz. L'étrange destin de quelques maisons d'écrivains".
Blade Runner, monologue, 2024, ink on paper, 60 x 42,5 cm
Sumer GPT x 5, 2024, ink on paper, 142 x 98 cm
Gilgamesh, premier chapitre, 2024, ink on paper, 60 x 42,5 cm
Crash Print I, 2024, ink on paper, 30 x 21,5 cm
Crash Print III, 2024, ink on paper, 30 x 21,5 cm
Crash Print II, 2024, ink on paper, 30 x 21,5 cm
Werner Herzog à six doigts, 2024, ink on paper, 30 x 21,5 cm
Philip K. Dick trop vieux, 2024, ink on paper, 30 x 21,5 cm
Heliopolis GPT x 5, 2024, ink on paper, 142 x 98 cm
YouTube Hertog, 2024, ink on paper, 30 x 21,5 cm
YouTube Scott, 2024, ink on paper, 30 x 21,5 cm
Instagram galerie, 2024, ink on paper, 30 x 21,5 cm
Killer Gallery, 2024, ink on paper, 142 x 98 cm
La route d'Irak, 2024, ink on paper, 60 x 42,5 cm
La route du Caire, 2024, ink on paper, 42,5 x 60 cm
Love-ACAB I, 2024, ink on paper, 30 x 21,5 cm
Love-ACAB II, 2024, ink on paper, 30 x 21,5 cm
Mexique, 2024, ink on paper, redwood frame, 8,8 x 20,5 cm
Percy Shelley, 2021, pencil on paper, 150 x 100 cm
Les brouillards, Le tonnerre, Le gros temps, 2021, pencil and acrylic on paper
Ariel & Gibraltar, 2021, acrylic on paper, 70 x 50 cm
Bas Jan Ader, 2021, pencil on paper, 150 x 100 cm
La houle & Ariel / Ocean Wave, 2021, acrylic on paper, 29.7 x 21 cm
Le baiser Le sourire, 2021, acrylic on paper, 29.7 x 21 cm
Coup de vent, 2021, acrylic on paper, 70 x 50 cm
Miracle, 2021, acrylic on paper, 70 x 50 cm