Thibault Brunet

Thibault Brunet

12 minutes de soleil
February 29 - April 13, 2024

The Heinzer Reszler galery is pleased to present Thibault Brunet's fourth exhibition at the gallery. He is exhibiting four recent series exploring different facets of the transformation of our modern world, from virtual spaces and their potential for anticipation to the gesture of conservation through inventory.

3600 seconds of light, Clues de Barles, Typologie du Virtuel, and Utopies oscillate between pictorial and photographic imagery, and sculptural forms. These works draw the viewer into a contemplative and reflective experience of our reality on the verge of disappearing.

Thibault Brunet works mainly on contemporary issues of representation and understanding of space. He offers a skillful blend of traditional photography and new technologies - whose codes and uses he diverts - and constructs enigmatic images using a variety of media: prints, 3D videos, virtual images, tapestries and book-sculptures.


Installations Views


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