Mingjun Luo
Mingjun Luo
Se perdre et être libre
January 23 - March 1, 2025
I discover that the simple language of painting and everyday images continue to move me deeply. Some furtive thoughts and impulses become personal questions that I can't escape in my creative process. On the occasion of my first exhibition of 2025, I decided to sincerely present these ideas, which had been temporarily put aside in favor of other projects.
For me, getting lost in oneself is a form of freedom. This freedom allows me to break free from preconceived ideas and established frameworks, to explore a fascinating territory, between certainty and the unknown. It's an adventure where I'm allowed to stray off the beaten track, giving me the opportunity to face up to my doubts and deepest aspirations.
Presenting these simple images that move me is not only an instinctive impulse to create, but also the expression of a more intimate desire: to break through the fixed boundaries of identity, and to seek out those sensations hidden deep within myself, those that perhaps I had never perceived before. I hope that this exhibition will open a door to other possibilities, where each creation will become a new discovery and a source of renewed emotion.
At the Galerie Heinzer Reszler, you'll discover some of my most recent works; while at the Atelier de Gravure Raynald Métraux, I'll be presenting lithographs I've been making in collaboration with him since 2009, as well as a selection of my creations on paper from recent years. These two exhibition spaces, located just a few meters apart, welcome you to my work, and I sincerely hope that you will be able to share the emotions and explorations that inhabit them.
Luo Mingjun
Installation Views
Exhibition View
Se perdre et être libre II 2024, oil on wood, 25 x 20 cm
Se perdre et être libre III 2024, oil on wood, 25 x 20 cm
Se perdre et être libre I 2024, oil on wood, 25 x 20 cm
Temps de silence, 2024, oil on wood, 25 x 20 cm
Tard dans la nuit, 2024, oil on wood, 25 x 20 cm
Des souvenirs qui s'estompent, 2024, acrylic and pencil , on canvas, 22 x 18 cm
En scène 2024, oil on wood, 25 x 20 cm
La piscine, 2024, oil on wood, 25 x 20 cm
Sans parole I, 2024, oil on wood, 25 x 20 cm
Sans parole III, 2024, oil on wood, 25 x 20 cm
Exhibition View
L'épingle rouge II, 2024, acrylic and pencil , on canvas, 22 x 18 cm
Two trees, 2024, oil on canvas, 160 x 110 cm.jpg
L'épingle rouge I, 2024, acrylic and pencil , on canvas, 22 x 18 cm
Exhibition View
Exhibition View V
Le vent qui souffle sur la plage, 2024, oil on canvas, 18 x 22 cm
Le soleil se lève comme d'habitude, 2025, oil on canvas, 18 x 22 cm
Le soleil se lève comme d'habitude II, 2025, oil on canvas, 18 x 22 cm
Le ciel est haut et les nuages ne sont pas légers II, 2024, oil on canvas, 18 x 22 cm
Se perdre, 2024, oil on canvas, 18 x 22 cm
Sur terre, 2024, oil on wood, 24 x 18 cm
Petit théâtre, 2025, acrylique on canvas, 18 x 22 cm
Sur terre I, 2024, oil on wood, 24 x 18 cm
Ligne blanche cachée par la verte, 2024, oil on wood, 24 x 18 cm